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Theme Shows on the Closer To The Edge Tour

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Echelon Italy: Theme Shows on the Closer To The Edge Tour

giovedì 31 marzo 2011

Theme Shows on the Closer To The Edge Tour

Ready your costumes, because Thirty Seconds To Mars will be adding theme nights to the Closer To The Edge Tour! Which show(s) are you going to and what theme would you want to participate in? Check out the list below and let us know on twitter with the hashtag #MARSTHEMENIGHTS. Keep an eye out for the theme night polls!

WHITE NIGHT – A classic. This now legendary old school MARS theme night is alive and well. Don your whites and keep it tough. Think G8 protester meets gutterpunk but instead of black its white. The white is a great canvas. Write handwritten messages (think ST album art) or paint Mars icons and symbols where you see fit. White face paint is always recommended!

YUPPIE/ PREPPY NIGHT – Grab your fav pink shirt, an Izod (collar up of course), a paisley tie, a pair of loafers and some chinos and come ready to par-tay! Note: don’t forget the important distinction between yuppie and preppy. Mixing the two is dangerous and not advised.

DOCTOR/PATIENT/MEDICAL NIGHT – Nurses, Dr.’s, surgical gear, or bring the entire bed and lie down in it (IVs and blood are optional but encouraged!)

SPORT NIGHT – From football to fencing, baseball to skiing, wrestling to tennis. If it’s competitive, it’s cool. Get super sporty and show yer skillz.

ZOMBIE NIGHT – Blood, guts, gore and good times. The dead come alive. A giant Zombie walk is a must and WILL become a future YouTube phenom!

80s NIGHT – Remember the 80s? If not, hit the ‘net kids. Research is a must! Watch Pretty in Pink, 16 Candles, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, St Elmo’s Fire, Less Than Zero, and anything with Molly Ringwald for reference.

PROM NIGHT – Ahh nostalgia, for those that never made it now’s your chance. Bad suits and even worse dresses are mandatory. The bigger, brighter and fluffier the better! School dance madness!

BLOODBALL NIGHT – The legendary first theme night returns. An homage to “The Kill”. Come bloodied and dress as though you have escaped from “The Kill” video itself. Blood booth on premises for those who are low on the good stuff.

GOTH/PUNK NIGHT – Bring your MarsHawks, combat boots, girl and guy-liner, fishnets, p/leather jackets, studs, tattoos and more. Safety pins through the cheek not suggested due to health and safety codes.

FIELD & STREAM – Calling all Hunters, Trappers, Fishermen, and outdoor enthusiasts. This is your time to shine! Come camouflaged and ready to explore….Into the Wild!!!

THIS IS WAR/MILITARY NIGHT – A call to arms! Army, Marines, Air Force, and Navy outfits are welcome. Either full dress or battlefield fatigues. PT starts at 7am ladies and germs…and hey, what’s your major malfunction numbnuts!!! Extra credit for shaved heads…esp on the ladies.

HURRICANE NIGHT – Dress in the Theme of the video. As your favorite character. Or just full on bondage S+M! Freaks, Fiends, and Perverts welcomed!!!

SUPERHERO/COMIC NIGHT – Never been done at a MARS show! It’ll be quite a sight to see. Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, and yes even poor ol’ Robin. Pull on those tights and lace those capes or come as your fav villain. This will be a beautiful disaster! 

WARPAINT / COLOR / NEON NIGHT – Find the loudest most colorful color clothes possible. Paint your face and your outfits with glow in the dark or neon paint. LED lights, glow sticks, or fluorescent paint. It’s a rave gone weird! Perfect for a MARS show. 

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