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Echelon Italy: Mars For Japan

martedì 15 marzo 2011

Mars For Japan

Japan was struck with a devastating 8.9 Earthquake and Tsunami only a few days ago, the biggest earthquake in Japan in recorded history. Thirty Seconds To Mars has gathered information on charities and sites providing aid and relief to this recent disaster. Find out how you can help or donate.

Donate here
Oxfam UK
Donate here
American Red Cross
In US u can text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 for Japan earthquake and Pacific Tsunami.
Online: Donate here
Donation Phone #: 1-800-RED-CROSS
UK Red Cross
Donate here
Salvation Army
To contribute to earthquake relief, text ‘JAPAN’ or ‘QUAKE’ to 80888 to make a $10 donation or visit
donate here
Convoy of Hope:
A non-profit for disaster relief efforts. You can donate either online or via text message by texting TSUNAMI to 50555.
Global Dirt:
Donate here
Music for Relief:
Music For Relief is responding to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Text ‘MFR’ to 85944 to make a $10 donation to help those affected.
AmeriCares emergency team is on full alert mobilizing resources in response to the massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck Japan. AmeriCares has dispatched a disaster relief expert to the region to assess the health care needs and is prepared to send medicines, medical supplies and humanitarian aid as necessary. Donate here
The Echelon House:
Donate here
All Hands Volunteers:
Donation Phone #: 919-830-3573
Donate here
International Rescue Committee:
Donation Phone #: 1-877-REFUGEE (733-8433)
Global Giving:
Donate here
Shelter Box
Donate here

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