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30 Seconds to Mars Live at PinkPok 2007 Netherlands - 30 Seconds to Mars in Concerto al PinkPok 2007

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Echelon Italy: 30 Seconds to Mars Live at PinkPok 2007 Netherlands - 30 Seconds to Mars in Concerto al PinkPok 2007

domenica 20 febbraio 2011

30 Seconds to Mars Live at PinkPok 2007 Netherlands - 30 Seconds to Mars in Concerto al PinkPok 2007

 30 Seconds to Mars performing
"A Beautiful Lie"
"The Battle Of One"
"From Yesterday"
"The Fantasy"
"The Kill"
and unpublished song:
"Some Other Sun"
of his second album "A Beautiful Lie" at the PinkPop festival in the Netherlands.

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